Etiquette of Reciting the Holy Quran

Etiquette of Reciting the Holy Quran

It is important to recognize that the book of God is the most valuable book we possess. It is up to us to give it the respect it deserves and thus follow the advice of the Ahlalbait(pbut) when we make the intention to recite it. It is highly recommended to perform wudhu (or ablution) before touching the holy Quran, as ablution cleanses our physical bodies, and makes us spiritually mindful that we are entering into an act of worship. God states, “No one can touch it except the purified ones.”  Furthermore, we should sit in the direction of the Qiblah (the direction of the location of the Holy Kabah), another physical demonstration that we are submitting to God.

Online Shia Quran Teacher
Sister Taherah Rizvi
Skype: husaini.tutor2


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